D&HHS Kids Kamp is Going Virtual!
Because of COVID-19, the annual Kids Kamp sponsored by Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services was in doubt. But D&HHS staff knew that cancelling the popular summer event would be a big blow for kids who already had dealt with lots of disruptions this spring and summer. So they created a virtual Kids Kamp 2020!
Last week Community and Partnerships Manager, Erica Chapin, was out and about in Grand Rapids with Community Education Coordinator, Nancy Piersma, and a film crew, plus some special guests, shooting on location at John Ball Zoo, Blandford Nature Center, HOPE Gardens community garden and The Grand Rapids Children’s Museum. Piersma is a Native Deaf Facilitator who uses sign language to communicate.
“Through these videos,” said Chapin, “kids will be able to learn and experience something new. Each day Nancy teaches new signs related to the theme, making Kids Kamp videos a great opportunity for children to have increased exposure to language. Every video is in ASL, with English interpretation and closed captioning, to offer accessibility to anyone who wants to watch.”
From July 13-17 those videos will be rolled out for free on the D&HHS YouTube channel and kids who buy a Kenny’s Kids Kamp Kurious Kit will be able to complete a number of crafts and activities at home as they watch the videos.
“Kenny is our Kids Kamp friend who is coming along with us for our adventures,” said Chapin. “He is a stuffed animal monkey. Throughout our videos you can see him playing in the background. Sometimes he is easy to find; other times he is hidden away. The kids have to keep an eye on him and at the end of the week we will announce how many times he was seen.”
Each Kenny’s Kids Kamp Kurious Kit will include a 2020 Kids Kamp t-shirt, snacks and drinks for each day, ASL vocabulary related to the video adventures, crafts, a children’s book and other fun activities to promote learning. In addition, the purchase of a Kurious Kit enters each purchaser into a daily drawing for bonus prizes from the video locations that include fun for the whole family.
Chapin noted that D&HHS wants to make sure that any child who would like a kit has the opportunity to receive one, and they will do this by offering scholarships and seeking donors to underwrite kits. Anyone who would like to apply for a scholarship for a kit can contact Deb Atwood, Executive Director, at datwood@deafhhs.org.
On the Kids Kamp sign-up page, people can purchase a kit for a child directly, said Chapin.
Go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kids-kamp-2020-kennys-kids-kamp-kurious-kits-tickets-109678200450
Select Tickets in the green box and then on the next page choose: Add-ons>Gift a Kurious Kit to a Kid in need
Anyone with questions about Kids Kamp can contact Erica Chapin, Community & Partnerships Manager, at 616-732-7358, x211 or community@deafhhs.org